2023 Fall Course Options

GT 1000 is the only required course for Explore. You may take any section you desire, but we put a strong emphasis on the Explore or College of Science major-specific sections.

It is HIGHLY SUGGESTED that you select Explore-reserved courses in all situations that you can. You will then be in lab or class with only other Explore students, and therefore able to easily meet for group work, test-prep, study sessions, or ask your neighbor down the hall a question about what the TA may have said.


Below is the most up to date list of reserved sections for the Fall 2023 semester.


Course, Section, CRN, 

Math 1551 EO3, CRNs 86687/93285

Math 1554 G05, CRNs 87693/93330

Math 2552 N04, CRNs 87608/88378

Note, all of the above courses are  MAIN ORSTUDIO SECTIONS. For every Studio Section, there is a corresponding LECTURE SECTION, indicated by the LETTER in the Course Section following the course number. For example, the Lecture Section for MATH 1551 B04 is MATH 1551 B, which has it's own registration CRN. These reserved sections are in collaboration with the Honors LLC.
Course, Section, CRN,                    

CHEM    1211 A CRNs 83245

CHEM 1212-B, CRNs 83423

Note, all of the above courses are LAB SECTIONS. For each Lab Section, there is a corresponding LECTURE SECTION, indicated by the LETTER in the Course Section following the course number. For example, the Lecture Section for CHEM 1211K B04 is CHEM 1211K B, which has it's own registration CRN. These reserved sections are in collaboration with the Honors LLC.
Biological Sciences

BIOS 1107L E04 CRNs 91520

BIOS 1107-A CRNs 91096


Note, all of the above courses are LAB SECTIONS. For each Lab Section, there is a corresponding LECTURE SECTION, which is unclear in at face, due to the Lecure Section "EX" not existing. For ALL of the above courses, the Lecture Section is BIOS 1107 A, with registration CRN 92976.These reserved sections are in collaboration with the Honors LLC.
GT 1000






“Charting the Course: The Future of Space Exploration at Georgia Tech” with the following sections:

ENGL 1101 TR 9:30 Skiles 302

ENGL 1101 TR 12:30 Skiles 317







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