Current Students


Current Updates

Summer Transition

If you are an incoming first year student for the summer or fall, be sure to check out our summer transitions page for upcoming events, important dates, and information on FASET. 


You must complete your housing application ASAP! Once your deposit and application are submitted, you will have access to the available roommates and rooms during those respective selection time periods. Check out the housing website for all details on dates and processes through your housing portal. 


Upperclass students, are you interested in becoming a mentor for  incoming first year students? Sign up here!

First year students, are you looking for a current student to answer questions on registration, majors, events, etc? Check our our page of current mentors! They are all wonderful people and welcome your email on any of the topics they have listed in their profile. 


Be sure to check your email every week for up to date information through our newsletter! The full calendar of events with all RSVP opportunities is also located on your Engage page. Incoming first year students will have access to the Explore Canvas page as well, which will offer you updated information on upcoming events over the summer, as well as what to prepare for the fall.